April 03, 2020
Despite the challenging circumstances, the construction of the school in Ambohimanarina is progressing well! A couple of months ago we partnered with Sambavanille and started the construction of our first school in Madagascar. Both Sambavanille and Zo Randria (local employee of DMNP) are providing a lot of support and are making sure that, despite all circumstances, the construction continues. In these uncertain times, we remain committed to helping those in the supply chain who need our help most.
A proper school building is much needed in this region. The conditions that should form a basis for decent education (a building, teachers skills, and infrastructure) are lacking or not sufficiently provided. Besides, the former school building was damaged due to severe weather circumstances. Therefore children were exposed to intense sun, heat and rains. This disrupted lessons and affected safety and productivity.
Quality manager Roel Toussaint (De Monchy Natural Products) visited the construction site a couple of months ago, together with Zo Randria. He noticed that people are very excited about the new school. “During my visit I noted the pride of all stakeholders involved, and the interest and gratitude the people showed .”
Beside the classrooms, we will also add a library, playground, vegetable garden and a kitchen.
We expect to inaugurate the school in Q3 2020.