Reducing carbon emissions and moving toward a living income
Cashew is one of Tanzania’s biggest exports. However, little value remains in the country itself and the nut often travels to Europe via a long detour. At Monchy Food Company, we think we can do better, and so we bought our own factory in Tanzania. This move fits well with MFC’s philosophy because it allows us to be closely involved in the origins, allowing us to make a real impact.
Working toward a living income
Together with the farmers, cooperatives and employees at our processing plant in Tanzania, we are working toward a living income. We do this by working with farmers to improve their harvest, paying a fair farmgate price for the cashews we purchase, and actively contributing to local communities.
Because farmers are organized into cooperatives, they all receive the same fair kilogram price for their cashews. Here, in fact, one price is applied to all farmers, which means that farmers are not left as individuals to the vagaries of market forces in which they too often agree to an underpriced sale. Our factory purchases the nuts through the cooperatives at a premium price that allows the farmer to support the family and work toward a better future.
Not only the farmers involved but also the factory and logistics workers involved should receive a good income. That’s why we make sure everyone involved in this process is paid fairly.
In addition, we buy all sizes of cashews from the farmer, even if they are broken or crushed. Thus, 100% of the farmer’s cashew crop is bought and he gets the most out of his harvest. On top of this, we are currently working hard to value both the nut shell and the cashew apple – more on this soon.
Reduced CO2, emissions through direct shipping to Europe
Tanzania has more than a quarter of a million cashew farmers who collectively supply more than 200,000 tons of unpeeled cashews. The bulk of these cashews are then shipped to Asia where they are peeled and often packaged, before being shipped by container to Europe. Monchy Food Company likes to see this differently: with a direct connection between Tanzania and Europe, and in a way that keeps as much value of the entire process in Tanzania as possible. Because we ship directly from Tanzania to Rotterdam, this saves 11,000 km per container full of cashews. This saves a good amount of CO2 emissions and thus is less bad for the environment.